Cum s-a auzit una dintre exploziile din Paris pe Stade de France - VIDEO
Spectators wait on the pitch of the Stade de France stadium in Seine-Saint-Denis, Paris' suburb on November 13, 2015 after a series of gun attacks occurred across Paris as well as explosions outside the national stadium where France was hosting Germany. At least 18 people were killed, with at least 15 people had been killed at the Bataclan concert hall in central Paris, only around 200 metres from the former offices of Charlie Hebdo which were attacked by jihadists in January. AFP PHOTO / MATTHIEU ALEXANDRE
Spectators wait on the pitch of the Stade de France stadium in Seine-Saint-Denis, Paris' suburb on November 13, 2015 after a series of gun attacks occurred across Paris as well as explosions outside the national stadium where France was hosting Germany. At least 18 people were killed, with at least 15 people had been killed at the Bataclan concert hall in central Paris, only around 200 metres from the former offices of Charlie Hebdo which were attacked by jihadists in January. AFP PHOTO / MATTHIEU ALEXANDRE
Spectators wait on the pitch of the Stade de France stadium in Seine-Saint-Denis, Paris’ suburb on November 13, 2015 after a series of gun attacks occurred across Paris as well as explosions outside the national stadium where France was hosting Germany. At least 18 people were killed, with at least 15 people had been killed at the Bataclan concert hall in central Paris, only around 200 metres from the former offices of Charlie Hebdo which were attacked by jihadists in January. AFP PHOTO / MATTHIEU ALEXANDRE

Momentul uneia dintre exploziile sinucigașe de lângă Stade de France se aude în transmisia în direct a meciului amical Franța – Germania. Autoritățile au decis să nu anunțe atacul terorist pe stadion pentru a nu crea panică. Ulterior stadionul a fost evacuat.
[contextly_sidebar id=”LydpOfzgzIH5VbqUcHwbfmMBnhQbRrqo”]În atentatele de vineri seară și-au pierdut viața în jur de 130 de persoane și au fost rănite peste 200. Organizația terorista Statul Islamic a revendicat atentatele afirmând că e doar începutul și nu va opri șirul atentatelor până ce Franța nu își va schimba politica față de Siria.

Momentul exploziei unei grenade lângă stadion… de oradesibiu

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